Marc Lehmann  a écrit:

> I also don't know what exactly is your problem, but if it is font-related
> (font-server, truetype etc..) then this:

My problem is definitively Gimp and true-type font related: I can use my
true type font in any other X-applications but not in the Gimp : I ca see
the fonts, but when I try to select them, I get the  error message in the
font-selection-tool "this font is not available"

> > $use_tcp        = 1;    # tcp is enabled only when authorization is available

> means that other machines can only connect and remote-control gimp
> when it has been secured using a password.

And could it be possible that the plugin think the connection comes from
another host than the one hosting the font server also if it is not the
case and thus shows the font names but denies access ? 


Dr. Cécile Hébert-Souche, Inst. f. Angew. u. Techn. Physik
TU Wien, Wiedner Hauptstrasse  8-10 A-1040 WIEN    
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   tel +43 1 58 801 137 20 fax - 137 98

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