Title: RE: Scanned Image Processing

Perhaps doing Posterization (Image/Color/posterize)

-----Message d'origine-----
De: Cheung Koon Tung, Kent [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Date: vendredi 02 février 2001 10:31
Objet: Scanned Image Processing

Dear GIMP Gurus,

I am facing a long-standing problem. I would be most grateful if any of
you can give me some ideas or point me to some source of help about the
solution of this problem. I have just browsed through the avaiable
plug-ins in GIMP but it seems that none of them can solve my problem.

I want do image analysis of some colour logos. I try to scan some logos
from magazines, books, promotional brochures and catalogs. Perceptually,
these logos are very simple and usually contain several patches
homogeneous colors. My image analysis software depends on this
assumption to be successful.

However, in practice, the scanned images might have many pixels with
very different colours due to the following possiblities that I guess:

1. Dithering when the publication is produced
2. Anti-aliasing effect when the publication is produced
3. The "texture" of the publication paper

I want to do automatic or semi-automatic pre-processing with GIMP so
that the above three effects can be removed before my image analysis
algorithm is applied. I have no idea on how to do the preprocessing
efficiently and accurately. Could any one give me some ideas of how to
perform the above three tasks efficiently and accurately?

Thank you for your attention.


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