> That will need to be recreated manually.  A lot depends on your system,
> but try
>  mkdir /var/spool/lpd
>  chown rood:daemon /var/spool/lpd
>  chmod 775 /var/spool/lpd

i don't get any "errors" when trying to print so i doubt that is cause...just
nothing gets printed BUT its consistent across every application including The
Gimp which usually always prints just fine........besides when i delete lpd
directory...it gets recreated by printtool so that can't be it either ;)

> and then try printtool.
> > > when i boot computer one thing shows as not loading right  "AT".....is
> > > that preventing me from printing???
> Can you be more specific?  You haven't given us a lot to go on.

the AT is one of the things started at boot which says that it "failed"....just
says starting AT........................................FAILED


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