Hi Marco!

On Sun, 10 Oct 2021 12:17:27 +0000
Marco Ciampa via gimp-web-list <gimp-web-list@gnome.org> wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 21, 2021 at 09:43:19AM -0500, Pat David via gimp-web-list wrote:
> > Howdy!
> > 
> > We have a few different web properties that are handled a little
> > differently.
> > 
> > Primarily we have https://www.gimp.org which is the main website people
> > usually find.
> > This site is currently a static website built using the Pelican generator
> > (Python 3 right now).
> > The repo for the website is here:
> > https://gitlab.gnome.org/Infrastructure/gimp-web
> > 
> > I would like to migrate this to use Hugo (https://gohugo.io) instead.
> > We (pixls.us) keep a base Hugo template handy using Bootstrap:
> > https://gitlab.com/pixlsus/hugo-bootstrap-bare
> > 
> > I would take time to familiarize yourself with the repo and to ask/propose
> > any questions on the issue tracker there (for maximum visibility).  
> I agree with the Hugo choice and I would like to help though my knowledge
> about hugo is near zero.
> One suggestion though, use asciidoc instead of markdown for hugo. It can
> be done and it should:
> - https://stiobhart.net/2020-04-18-hugo-asciidoctor/
> - https://www.cosmos547.moe/posts/hugo-with-asciidoc/

I also prefer asciidoc over the markdown dialects, but note that there is too
much "bikeshedding":

* http://shlomifishswiki.branchable.com/Never_Try_to_Please_Everyone/

* https://bikeshed.com/

> also another really nice feature should / would be making the site
> multilanguage using po4a:
> https://www.po4a.org/
> --
> Saluton,
> Marco Ciampa
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> gimp-web-list@gnome.org
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