On 03/11/2019 15:50, likejudo wrote:
'that "Control" [aka managers from hell] has been
*distributed* from the management to the user. You no longer need any
permission to store anything you want into the holy shrine of the the
"VCS" '

But you still need to control what gets merged into mainline or master, right?

If you change the management viewpoint from "control" (with all its baggage) to "select" then it's a bit easier to see that the managers task got that bit easier (they don't need to 'protect' the VCS 'master') and the coder's work balance got easier because they do have access to a storage mechanism that works.

You're correct thatĀ  there is selection of what gets merged, or in a PR scenario, accepted as the new 'latest', and the golden repo (read only to othersĀ  usually) reflects the magic hash number of the latest and greatest. If you have a copy with the same commit hash (which implicitly has the same history in Git) then you are good to go.

Aside: the commit hash embeds both history and the latest code tree; while the tree hash is just the latest code, but without history, which would be not so great.


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