On 2019-11-03, at 8:28 AM, Philip Oakley <philipoakley@iee.email> wrote:

>> But you still need to control what gets merged into mainline or master, 
>> right?
> If you change the management viewpoint from "control" (with all its baggage) 
> to "select" then it's a bit easier to see that the managers task got that bit 
> easier (they don't need to 'protect' the VCS 'master') and the coder's work 
> balance got easier because they do have access to a storage mechanism that 
> works.
> You're correct that  there is selection of what gets merged, or in a PR 
> scenario, accepted as the new 'latest', and the golden repo (read only to 
> others  usually) reflects the magic hash number of the latest and greatest. 

Keep in mind: Anyone can publish "This is my version of this project".

That I can take someone else's project, and add my own tweak to it, and then my 
version is just as "valid" as theirs, is both the strong and weak point of this 

A generic user has to determine which of several different repositories has the 
best version to use.
But any coder can work with any repository as a starting point to base from.

And, you can merge work done by several different people, each in their own 
repository, to combine into the "newest and bestest".

The issue is less "What's in master", and more "What's in Keybounce's master" 
vs "What's in Zek's master", or "What's in Ubuntu's master" vs "What's in Red 
Hat's master".

Linus's job, as I understand, is more a case of "blessing this version" than 
anything else at this point. Which gets back to the question of selecting from 
the many choices available. The rest of us rely on his ability to select from 
the many choices so that we don't need to worry about studying all the 

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