I see two issues right now:

1. git gui does not have a link to gitk ?

2. I don't like clicking a lot with my mouse, hurts my finger, costs 
energy, and this mouse clicks badly, have to push it pretty hard, problem 
right now/useability issue with gitk:

2.1 clicking on right bottom view where it says "path" "tree" does not make 
gitk context aware.

Desired behaviour:
when I press arrow key down on keyboard it should move to next file in that 

When I click back on a commit, next time I press arrow key down it should 
move through the commit list, this way the arrow key can be used to scoll 
through different lists depending on which list is "active" in other words 
"last clicked with mouse" or "navigated to with tab".

Wrong behaviour:
instead git moves to the next commit.

2.2 The tab key also doesn't seem to lead immediately there and proceeds 
towards many other items first. Perhaps changing order to lead to right 
bottom screen might be more nice.

2.3 Perhaps there is a special key to switch to right bottom view ?

Bye for now,

P.S.: I am not sure exactly what gitk is used for or what the advantages or 
vs git diff ? For now it seems similiar ? Is git diff perhaps more 
powerfull ?

How would I use gitk to compare to different commits or branches ? I saw a 
linus torvalds video/presentation about git for google, he mentioned gitk 
and how he could compare things ? Hmmm...

I believe google may have used git to make android a success ! :) =D

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