> 1. git gui does not have a link to gitk ? 
Use the top left  menu: Repository >> Visualise .. for the two gitk viewer 

> _3_. clicking on right bottom view where it says "path"[sic] "tree" does 
not make gitk context aware. 

The gitk Patch[!] / Tree options will swap what is being displayed in the 
two bottom windows.

* for Patch the right hand side lists just the commit/'comment' file and 
the files which have diffs (changes).
The left hand window then shows those diffs and commit comment. Clicking an 
item in the right hand pane will make the left pane jump to the required 

* for Tree, the righ hand side panels lists the full file tree that is 
present in the commit snapshot, with the commit comment at the top. 
Directories has a small blue triangle and can be expanded by clicking the 
triangle - watch where the 'arrow' of the triangle points.
Having selected a file/item in the right hand window, the left hand window 
then will display that selected file as a full raw text. Useful if the diff 
context isn't sufficient in Patch mode.


On Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 10:07:39 AM UTC Konstantin Khomoutov wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 01, 2021 at 09:55:38PM -0800, skybuck2000 wrote:
> > I see two issues right now:
> [...]
> Please stop reporting bugs on this list.
> As I've suggested several times before, this list is dedicated to help
> inexperienced Git users solve the problems they have when using Git.
> Discussing usability issues or apparent bugs is just pointless here for the
> two reasons: 1) this list is not read by Git developers (who could try to 
> fix
> the code), and 2) no one else is going to report bugs for you.
> Please re-read <https://gist.github.com/tfnico/4441562>.
> Oh, and while we're at it, one more kind request: please stop posting
> identical e-mails to both git-users and git-for-windows. Again, as I've
> suggested elsewhere, the former list is for discussing basic _generic_
> problems with Git - no matter which flavour it is and on which platform it
> runs on, - and the latter is for solving problems specific to Windows and
> Git-for-Windows as the de-facto standard ongoing port of Git to that 
> platform.

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