> On 09/12/2022 18:50, Uwe Brauer wrote:
> So where is the project folder that contains the student's '*.m' files?
> For that 'folder' is where Git Gui, or SourceTree or Git Extensions will
> store/access the local repository (i.e. `.git` folder)

That is part of the mess. Right now on each desktop the student can use,
there is a folder called user-number-of-the-desktop. This folder will be
cleant one a week.
I think only sourcetree and git (shipped with sourcetree) is installed. 
Well and matlab  has its one very basic git interface,  but the folder
must be chosen by the student to be a subfolder of user-number-of-the-desktop

> When I was doing my Matlab work developing electro-optic products I was
> just using the Git Gui and (IIRC) Tortoise Git. The great thing was I
> could save (to Git) snippets (hunks) of my code out of sequence and have
> instant replay of those bits of quick trial code that would recreate
> figures and tables that became useful in retrospect. Sort of a 'commit a
> minute' speed.

Never heard of this

> Git isn't designed to work with these cloud storage apps such as the
> good old DropBox, or GoogleDocs because they argue about their mental
> (algorithm) model of 'synchronisation' One is file level, the other is
> directory level.

> Philip
> PS. Students have always been 'dumb' - I was one once ;-)

Oh, yeah and I was one of them too. 😇
But it is a sad fact that the interest of the students their willingless
to spend time learning a tool that requires time and can provide
frustration, such as programming or learning git/hg, decreases every
year. On the other hand the students when finishing will face a world in
which basic knowledge of these tools is essential (well in Spain I have
heard stories of software companies whose version control consisted in
having a folder for each year, sub-folders for each month and maybe
sub-sub-folders for weeks)

I don't really why this is so, but I suspect that smartphone play a role here.

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