Hi Dscho,

>> However, maintaining more than one directory (like "sequencer" for
>> sequencer state and "rebase-merge" for rebase todo and log) can cause
>> the necessity to be even more careful when hacking on sequencer... For
>> example, the cleanup code must delete both of them, not only one of them.
> That is incorrect. It depends on the options which directory is used. And
> it is that directory (and not both) that should be cleaned up in the end.
> Otherwise you run into a ton of pain e.g. when running a rebase -i with an
> `exec git cherry-pick ...` line: all of a sudden, that little innocuous
> line would simply destroy the state directory of the current rebase -i.
> That's a rather big no-no.

Ahh, I see, there seems to be a misunderstanding on my side about how
you did it (I did not look into the other patches (obviously)).

Thanks for clarifying!


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