On Wed, Apr 05, 2017 at 11:33:37AM +0200, Tom G. Christensen wrote:

> FWIW I maintain freely available updated git packages for RHEL 3, 4, 5, 6
> and 7.
> They can be found here:
> https://jupiterrise.com/blog/jrpms/
> And direct access here:
> https://jupiterrise.com/jrpms/ (for el3,el4,el5)
> https://jupiterrise.com/jrpmsplus/ (for el6, el7)
> They are built against system versions of curl though a few patches are
> required for 7.10.6 (el3) and 7.12.1 (el4) support.
> Patches can be found in the src.rpm, though I can also post them here as
> patch series, they cover more than just curl.
> I don't use the el3 and el4 versions much any more and el5 use will also
> drop of now as I'm busy converting machines from el5 to el7.

Thanks for sharing, that's a really interesting data point.

I'm not quite sure what to take away from it, though. Either "yes,
somebody really is using Git with antique versions of curl". Or "even
the antique people are giving up el4, and it might be reasonable to
start requiring curl >= 7.11.0".


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