On Thu, Apr 06, 2017 at 06:43:06PM +0200, Tom G. Christensen wrote:

> On 06/04/17 11:21, Jeff King wrote:
> > On Wed, Apr 05, 2017 at 11:33:37AM +0200, Tom G. Christensen wrote:
> > > I don't use the el3 and el4 versions much any more and el5 use will also
> > > drop of now as I'm busy converting machines from el5 to el7.
> > 
> > Thanks for sharing, that's a really interesting data point.
> > 
> > I'm not quite sure what to take away from it, though. Either "yes,
> > somebody really is using Git with antique versions of curl". Or "even
> > the antique people are giving up el4, and it might be reasonable to
> > start requiring curl >= 7.11.0".

[Aside: re-reading my second paragraph above, it sounds like I am
 complaining that your comment wasn't clear. But you were perfectly
 clear. It's just that with your data point I am more conflicted than

> I know of no users of the packages that I make available other than myself
> and my work place (only el5 and later, soon just el6 and later).
> There is not currently any patches needed to use git on el5 with curl
> 7.15.5. The only thing not working out of the box in 2.12.2 would be the
> emacs integration.

I think I'm leaning towards the very first patch I posted, that assumes
7.11.0 and later. And then hold off on the others for a few years. In
terms of "number of ifdefs removed" we could go further, but I think it
was the first patch that removes a lot of the really questionable bits
(like silently ignoring security-related features).

> If you must drop support for old curl releases then from my perspective the
> cutoff should be 7.19.7 at the latest since that is what ships with RHEL 6
> and that is still supported by Red Hat.

Yeah, I think 7.19.7 would be the next reasonable cutoff (it shipped in
RHEL6, which is a reasonable standard for long-term support; and it
catches quite a few ifdefs in our code). But I think we can give RHEL5 a
bit more time. It just left its support window a few days ago.


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