Ben Peart <> writes:

>> Having said all that, I think you are using this ONLY on windows;
>> perhaps it is better to drop #ifdef GIT_WINDOWS_NATIVE from all of
>> the above and arrange Makefile to build test-drop-cache only on that
>> platform, or something?
> I didn't find any other examples of Windows only tools.  I'll update
> the #ifdef to properly dump the file system cache on Linux as well and
> only error out on other platforms.

If this will become Windows-only, then I have no problem with
platform specfic typedef ;-) I have no problem with CamelCase,
either, as that follows the local convention on the platform
(similar to those in compat/* that are only for Windows).

Having said all that.

Another approach is to build this helper on all platforms, with
sections protected by "#ifdef LINUX", "#ifdef WINDOWS", etc.  That
way, the platform detection and switching between running this
program and echoing something into /proc filesystem performed in
p7519 can be removed (this test-helper program will be responsible
to implement that logic instead).  When p7519 wants to drop the
filesystem cache, regardless of the platform, it can call this
test-helper without having to know how the filesystem cache is

I do not have strong preference either way, but I have a slight
suspicion that the "another approach" above may give us a better
result.  For one thing, the test-helper can be reused in new perf
scripts people will write in the future.


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