Thomas Adam <> writes:

> Trying to come up with a reinvention of regexps for email addresses is asking
> for trouble, not to mention a crappy rod for your own back.  Don't do that.
> This is why people use Mail::Address.

Now we are coming back to cc907506 ("send-email: don't use
Mail::Address, even if available", 2017-08-23).  It argues

    * Having this optional Mail::Address makes it tempting to anwser "please
      install Mail::Address" to users instead of fixing our own code. We've
      reached the stage where bugs in our parser should be fixed, not worked

but if it costs us maintaining our substitute that much, it seems to
me that depending on Mail::Address is not just tempting but may be a
sensible way forward.

Was there any reason why Mail::Address was _inadequate_?  I know we
had trouble with random garbage that are *not* addresses people put
on the in-body CC: trailer in the past, but I do not recall if they
are something Mail::Address would give worse result and we need our
workaround (hence our own substitute), or Mail::Address would handle
them just fine.

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