Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> writes:

> Thomas Adam <tho...@xteddy.org> writes:
>> Trying to come up with a reinvention of regexps for email addresses is asking
>> for trouble, not to mention a crappy rod for your own back.  Don't do that.
>> This is why people use Mail::Address.
>> https://metacpan.org/pod/distribution/MailTools/lib/Mail/Address.pod
> Now we are coming back to cc907506 ("send-email: don't use
> Mail::Address, even if available", 2017-08-23).  It argues
>     * Having this optional Mail::Address makes it tempting to anwser "please
>       install Mail::Address" to users instead of fixing our own code. We've
>       reached the stage where bugs in our parser should be fixed, not worked
>       around.
> but if it costs us maintaining our substitute that much, it seems to
> me that depending on Mail::Address is not just tempting but may be a
> sensible way forward.
> Was there any reason why Mail::Address was _inadequate_?  I know we
> had trouble with random garbage that are *not* addresses people put
> on the in-body CC: trailer in the past, but I do not recall if they
> are something Mail::Address would give worse result and we need our
> workaround (hence our own substitute), or Mail::Address would handle
> them just fine.


So have we come to a consensus about the best solution here?

I'm perfectly happy to send a reversion patch because to be honest
hacking on a bunch of perl to handle special mail cases is not my idea
of fun spare time hacking ;-)

I guess the full solution is to make Mail::Address a hard dependency?

Alex Bennée

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