> +             if (parse_commit(list[i]) ||
> +                 list[i]->generation < min_generation)


> +                                     if (parse_commit(parent->item) ||
> +                                         parent->item->date < 
> min_commit_date ||
> +                                         parent->item->generation < 
> min_generation)

...and here, would parse_commit_or_die() be better? I think that a
function that returns a definitive answer (either the commits are
reachable or not) should die when the commits cannot be parsed.

Other than that, I've compared the commits in this version to v1, and
all my review comments have been addressed, thanks. (With the exception
of the skip_prefix() one, but that is a minor matter - I suggested that
to make it easier to implement my "Ancestor:" and "Descendant:"
suggestion which Stolee disagreed on with reason.)


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