Hi Stolee,

On Mon, 27 Aug 2018, Derrick Stolee wrote:

> On 8/27/2018 9:22 AM, Johannes Schindelin wrote:
> > Point in favor of the pure-online meeting: the informal standup on IRC
> > every second Friday. I really try to attend it (it is a bit awkward
> > because it is on a Friday evening in my timezone, right at the time when I
> > want to unwind from the work week), as it does have a similar effect to
> > in-person standups: surprising collaborations spring up, unexpected help,
> > and a general sense of belonging.
> >
> > Of course, the value of these standups comes from the makeup of the
> > participants: Stefan, Brandon, Stolee, JeffH, Jonathan and other *very*
> > active core contributors hang out for roughly half an hour, sharing what
> > they are working on, exchanging ideas, etc.
> A focused aside, since you brought up the online "standup": it seems the IRC
> channel has been less than ideal, with people trying to participate but having
> nickname issues or being muted. You also describe another issue: the timing.
> Having a real-time discussion has its benefits, but also it leaves many people
> out.
> One idea to try next time is to create a mailing list thread asking for
> statuses, and each person can chime in asynchronously and spawn a new
> discussion based on that status. Perhaps we can try that next time.

Not so sure I like this idea. For me, mails are *extremely* asynchronous.
I started already over a decode ago to switch off automatic mail checking,
as it interfered with my productivity.

And for me, one of the main benefits of a standup is the chiming in from
unexpected sides. That's very much a real-time thing, and I don't know how
to achieve that otherwise.

But for our standup, I could imagine that even so much as shifting it from
Friday to any other weekday would decrease the timezone issues (because,
you know, weekend).


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