Hi Peff,

On Wed, 29 Aug 2018, Jeff King wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 03:22:39PM +0200, Johannes Schindelin wrote:
> > Having said that, I believe that we core contributors can learn to have a
> > fruitful online meeting. With 30+ participants, too.
> > 
> > Learning from my past life in academia (it is hard for me to imagine a
> > less disciplined crowd than a bunch of white, male, old scientists), we
> > would need a moderator, and some forum that allows to "give somebody the
> > mic". That software/platform should exist somewhere.
> Yes, I agree that software tools could help a lot with a crowd that
> size. I have used various "virtual classroom" tools before, and I think
> the core of the idea is there, but I was often unimpressed by the
> execution (and expense). So if you know of a good tool, it might be
> worth trying.

I don't, and I will keep looking.

> > I would love to have the best of both worlds. For example, it is an annual
> > annoyance that we are discussion all kinds of things regarding Git, trying
> > to steer the direction, to form collaborations on certain features, and
> > the person at the helm is not even there.
> > 
> > Maybe *two* meetings per year, one attached to GitMerge, and one purely
> > online, would help.
> I'm somewhat skeptical of the utility of an online meeting. That said,
> I'm willing give it a try (or any other scheme people want to come up
> with, for that matter).

I am glad you say that.

> > Point in favor of the pure-online meeting: the informal standup on IRC
> > every second Friday. I really try to attend it (it is a bit awkward
> > because it is on a Friday evening in my timezone, right at the time when I
> > want to unwind from the work week), as it does have a similar effect to
> > in-person standups: surprising collaborations spring up, unexpected help,
> > and a general sense of belonging.
> Yes, I've been meaning to make it to another one (I popped in for one a
> month or two ago, and it didn't seem like much of anything was
> happening).
> What time is it, again?

It is supposed to happen every two weeks, on Fridays, 17:00-17:30 UTC:

The latest one is logged here:

> > Such an online summit as I suggested above would really only work if
> > enough frequent contributors would attend. If enough people like you,
> > Junio, and the standup regulars would say: yep, we're willing to plan and
> > attend an online summit, where we try to have a timezone-friendly
> > "unconference"-style meeting on one day (on which we would of course try
> > to free ourselves from our regular work obligations).
> > 
> > I guess I am asking for a "raise your hands", with mine high up in the
> > air.
> I'll come if you want to organize it.

That's a good idea. I am a week away from taking a vacation, and I will
try to come back to that idea afterwards and see what I can do there.

The more I think about it, the more excited I get about it.


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