Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> writes:

> To put it another way, I would think both of these two have at most
> the same probability that the push wants to go to a local branch:
>       git push refs/remotes/foo:foo
>       git push <any random sha1 expression>:foo
> and I would further say that the former is less likely than the
> latter that it wants to create a local branch, because it is more
> plausible that it wants to create a similar remote-tracking branch
> there.

This needs clarification.  I do not mean "it is more plausible that
it wants remote-tracking rather than local".  What I meant was that
between the two cases, pushing refs/remotes/foo:foo is more likely a
sign that the user wants to create a local branch than pushing other
random sha1 expression, like 40eaf9377fe649:foo, is.

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