On Wed, Dec 05, 2018 at 03:01:06PM +0100, SZEDER Gábor wrote:

> > >   - Make '--stress' imply '--verbose-log' and discard the test's
> > >     standard ouput and error; dumping the output of several parallel
> > >     tests to the terminal would create a big ugly mess.
> > 
> > Makes sense. My script just redirects the output to a file, but it
> > predates --verbose-log.
> > 
> > My script always runs with "-x". I guess it's not that hard to add it if
> > you want, but it is annoying to finally get a failure after several
> > minutes only to realize that your are missing some important
> > information. ;)
> > 
> > Ditto for "-i", which leaves more readable output (you know the
> > interesting part is at the end of the log), and leaves a trash directory
> > state that is more likely to be useful for inspecting.
> I wanted to imply only the bare minimum of options that are necessary
> to prevent the tests from stomping on each other.  Other than that I
> agree and wouldn't run '--stress' without '-x -i' myself, and at one
> point considered to recommend '-x -i' in the description of
> '--stress'.

Yeah, it probably is the right thing to make the options as orthogonal
as possible, and let the user decide what they want. I was just
wondering if I could replace my "stress" script with this. But I think
I'd still want it to remember to use a sane set of options (including
"--root" in my case).

> > > 'wait' for all parallel jobs before exiting (either because a failure
> > > was found or because the user lost patience and aborted the stress
> > > test), allowing the still running tests to finish.  Otherwise the "OK
> > > X.Y" progress output from the last iteration would likely arrive after
> > > the user got back the shell prompt, interfering with typing in the
> > > next command.  OTOH, this waiting might induce a considerable delay
> > > between hitting ctrl-C and the test actually exiting; I'm not sure
> > > this is the right tradeoff.
> > 
> > If there is a delay, it's actually quite annoying to _not_ wait; you
> > start doing something in the terminal, and then a bunch of extra test
> > statuses print at a random time.
> At least the INT/TERM/etc. handler should say something like "Waiting
> for background jobs to finish", to let the user know why it doesn't
> exit right away.

That seems reasonable. There's also no point in waiting for them to
finish if we know we're aborting anyway. Could we just kill them all?

I guess it's a little tricky, because $! is going to give us the pid of
each subshell. We actually want to kill the test sub-process. That takes
a few contortions, but the output is nice (every sub-job immediately
says "ABORTED ...", and the final process does not exit until the whole
tree is done):

diff --git a/t/test-lib.sh b/t/test-lib.sh
index 9b7f687396..357dead3ff 100644
--- a/t/test-lib.sh
+++ b/t/test-lib.sh
@@ -98,8 +98,9 @@ done,*)
        mkdir -p "$(dirname "$TEST_RESULTS_BASE")"
        rm -f "$stressfail"
-       trap 'echo aborted >"$stressfail"' TERM INT HUP
+       trap 'echo aborted >"$stressfail"; kill $job_pids 2>/dev/null; wait' 
+       job_pids=
        while test $job_nr -lt "$job_count"
@@ -108,10 +109,13 @@ done,*)
                        export GIT_TEST_STRESS_STARTED GIT_TEST_STRESS_JOB_NR
+                       trap 'kill $test_pid 2>/dev/null' TERM
                        while ! test -e "$stressfail"
-                               if $TEST_SHELL_PATH "$0" "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1
+                               $TEST_SHELL_PATH "$0" "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1 & 
+                               if wait
                                        printf >&2 "OK   %2d.%d\n" 
                                elif test -f "$stressfail" &&
@@ -124,16 +128,11 @@ done,*)
                                cnt=$(($cnt + 1))
-               ) &
+               ) & job_pids="$job_pids $!"
                job_nr=$(($job_nr + 1))
-       job_nr=0
-       while test $job_nr -lt "$job_count"
-       do
-               wait
-               job_nr=$(($job_nr + 1))
-       done
+       wait
        if test -f "$stressfail" && test "$(cat "$stressfail")" != "aborted"

> > > +                         elif test -f "$stressfail" &&
> > > +                              test "$(cat "$stressfail")" = "aborted"
> > > +                         then
> > > +                                 printf >&2 "ABORTED %2d.%d\n" 
> > > +                         else
> > > +                                 printf >&2 "FAIL %2d.%d\n" 
> > > +                                 echo $GIT_TEST_STRESS_JOB_NR 
> > > >>"$stressfail"
> > > +                         fi
> > 
> > Hmm. What happens if we see a failure _and_ there's an abort? That's
> > actually pretty plausible if you see a failure whiz by, and you want to
> > abort the remaining scripts because they take a long time to run.
> > 
> > If the abort happens first, then the goal is to assume any errors are
> > due to the abort.
> Yeah, that's why I added this ABORTED case.  When I hit ctrl-C, a
> couple of the tests tend to fail, but that's not the rare failure we
> are hoping to find when stress testing, so printing FAIL would be
> misleading.  The test script exits with 1 all the same, so we can't
> tell the difference, but since rare failures are, well, rare, this
> failure is most likely due to the abort.

With the patch as posted I actually see most of them still say "OK",
because the SIGINT does not make it to them (it would be a different
story if I killed the whole process group).

But with the modification above, I get "ABORTED" for most, which is what
I'd want. And it should be pretty race-free, since the "aborted" file is
put into place before triggering the signal cascade.

> > If the fail happens first (which I think is the more likely case), then
> > the abort handler will overwrite the file with "aborted", and we'll
> > forget that there was a real failure. This works in my script because of
> > the symlinking (if a real failure symlinked $fail to a directory, then
> > the attempt to write "aborted" will just be a noop).
> OK, I think the abort handler should append, not overwrite, and then
> the file's contents should be checked e.g. with a case statement
> looking for *aborted*.
> Or use two separate files for signaling abort and test failure.

Two separate files seems a lot simpler to me.

> > In my experience, outputting the failed log saves a step (especially
> > with "-i"), since seeing the failed test and its output is often
> > sufficient.
> I just don't like when test output, especially with '-x', is dumped on
> my terminal :)

Don't you then use your terminal to display the file? ;) (I'm kidding, I
assume you load it in "less" or whatever, which is distinct).

I wish this could be optional somehow, though. I really prefer the dump.
I guess if I continue to use my script as a wrapper, it can dump for me
(after digging in the $stressfail file, I guess).

> > I'm also sad to lose the symlink to the failed trash directory, which
> > saves cutting and pasting when you have to inspect it. But I guess we
> > can't rely on symlinks everywhere.
> You can tab-complete most of the trash directory, and then there are
> only those 1-2-3 digits of the job number that you have to type.  That
> worked out well enough for me so far (but I've only used it for a few
> days, so...).
> We could rename the trash directory of the failed test to something
> short, sweet, and common, but that could be racy in the unlikely case
> that two tests fail at the same time.  And I like the 'trash
> directory.' prefix, because then 'make clean' will delete that one,
> too, without modifying 't/Makefile' (which is also the reason for
> adding the 'stress-N' suffix instead of a prefix, and putting the fail
> file into the 'test-results' directory).

We could rename it to "trash directory.xxx.failed", which is at least
predictable. That can even be done atomically, though I think it's a
little tricky to do portably with shell tools. I guess I can continue to
do the symlink thing in my wrapper script.


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