Michael J Gruber <g...@drmicha.warpmail.net> writes:

> As for the triangle remote, I really think we should clean up the
> situation regarding push, pushurlinsteadof and the various different and
> inconclusive output formats of "git remote" (with or without "-v", with
> or without a remote name) first, before introducing yet another way to
> twist things around. "git push downstream" does not hurt any kittens
> (while git remote ouput does, somehwat).

As people tend to fetch more often than they push if they are
working on a real project where the others as a whole will be far
more productive than any single individual, I agree that keeping
"git fetch" (or "git pull") lazy by having "origin" point at where
they fetch from and be a bit more explicit in "git push" would
actually make sense.
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