On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 2:57 AM, Felipe Contreras
<felipe.contre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The functionality we use from compgen is not much, we can do the same
> manually, with drastical improvements in speed, specially when dealing


> with only a few words.
> This patch also has the sideffect that brekage reported by Jeroen Meijer

s/sideffect/side effect/

> and SZEDER Gábor gets fixed because we no longer expand the resulting
> words.
> So, unless 'git checkout <tab>' usually gives you more than 100000
> results, you'll get an improvement :)
> Other possible solutions perform better after 1000 words, but worst if


> less than that:
>   COMPREPLY=($(awk -v cur="$3" -v pre="$2" -v suf="$4"
>         '$0 ~ cur { print pre$0suf }' <<< "$1" ))
>   COMPREPLY=($(printf -- "$2%s$4\n" $1 | grep "^$2$3"))
> Signed-off-by: Felipe Contreras <felipe.contre...@gmail.com>
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