Johan Herland <> wrote:
> git-svn by default puts its Subversion-tracking refs directly in
> refs/remotes/*. This runs counter to Git's convention of using
> refs/remotes/$remote/* for storing remote-tracking branches.

> Furthermore, combining git-svn with regular git remotes run the risk of
> clobbering refs under refs/remotes (e.g. if you have a git remote
> called "tags" with a "v1" branch, it will overlap with the git-svn's
> tracking branch for the "v1" tag from Subversion.
> Even though the git-svn refs stored in refs/remotes/* are not "proper"
> remote-tracking branches (since they are not covered by a proper git
> remote's refspec), they clearly represent a similar concept, and would
> benefit from following the same convention.

I regretted my original naming shortly after introducing it (IIRC,
git-svn was the first refs/remotes/* user).  However, this risks
breaking existing code and 3rd-party docs/tutorials.

How about we put a big warning of impending change in there for now and
wait until git 1.9/2.0 to make the actual change?

Thanks for bringing this up again!
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