I use git on MacOS via homebrew (http://brew.sh/), and a custom Perl installation built and managed via perlbrew (http://perlbrew.pl/). At some point, commands like "git add -i" broke. I say "at some point", because I'm not a git power-user and I only just noticed it this week.

I am running Git 2.2.1 with a perlbrew'd Perl 5.20.1. When I would run "git add -i" (or "git add -p"), it would immediately die with a signal 11. Some poking around showed that those git commands that are implemented as Perl scripts run under /usr/bin/perl, and also prefix some directories to the module search-path. The problem stems from the fact that, when you are using perlbrew, you also have the PERL5LIB environment variable set. The contents of it lay between the git-provided paths and the default contents of @INC. When the Git module is loaded, it (eventually) triggers a load of List::Util, whose C-level code fails to load because of a version mismatch; you got List::Util from the paths in PERL5LIB, but it doesn't match the version of perl from /usr/bin/perl.

After poking around and trying a few different things, I have found that using the following line in place of "#!/usr/bin/perl" solves this problem:

        #!/usr/bin/env perl

This can be done by defaulting PERL_PATH to "/usr/bin/env perl" in Makefile.

I don't know enough about the overall git ecosystem to know if this would have an adverse effect on anything else (in particular, Windows compatibility, but then Windows probably isn't having this issue in the first place).

I could just create and mail in the one-line patch for this, but I thought it might be better to open it up for some discussion first?

Randy J. Ray      Sunnyvale, CA      http://www.dereferenced.com
Silicon Valley Scale Modelers: http://www.svsm.org
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