On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 10:57 PM, Randy J. Ray <rj...@blackperl.com> wrote:
> On 12/29/14, 7:40 AM, Torsten Bögershausen wrote:
>> Having problems with different perl installations is not an unknown
>> problem
>> in Git, I would say.
>> And Git itself is prepared to handle this situation:
>> In Makefile I can read:
>> # Define PERL_PATH to the path of your Perl binary (usually
>> /usr/bin/perl).
>> (What Git can not decide is which perl it should use, the one pointed out
>> by $PATH or /usr/bin/perl.)
>> What does
>> "type perl" say ?
>> And what happens when you build and install Git like this:
>> PERL_PATH=/XX/YY/perl make install
>> -----------
>> Are you thinking about changing
>> ifndef PERL_PATH
>>         PERL_PATH = /usr/bin/perl
>> endif
>> -- into --
>> ifndef PERL_PATH
>>         PERL_PATH = $(shell which perl)
>> endif
>> ---
>> At first glance that could make sense, at least to me.
> The problem in this case is the Perl being used at run-time, not build-time.
> The building of git is done by the homebrew project in this case, so I don't
> have direct control over it.

Correct, but we don't change /usr/bin/perl at runtime, we hardcode
that at compile-time.

Similarly we could hardcode PERL5LIB at compile-time, but we don't, if
we did you wouldn't have this problem.

I.e. the problem is that we're using the system-provided perl with a
custom PERL5LIB set for the benefit of a non-system provided perl
installed after you built Git (or built in a different environment...)
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