Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> writes:

> Matthieu Moy <matthieu....@grenoble-inp.fr> writes:
>> Ivo Anjo <ivo.a...@ist.utl.pt> writes:
>>> Is there a way to prevent a *git commit --amend** with nothing to
>>> commit from working?
>>> If not, I would like to suggest that this feature would be very helpful :)
>> I don't know any way to let Git do the check for you, but 
>> git diff --staged --quiet || git commit --amend
>> should do it. You can alias it like
>> [alias]
>>      amend = !git diff --staged --quiet || git commit --amend
>> and then use "git amend".
> That would not let you say "git amend Makefile", no?
>       !sh -c 'git diff --cached --quiet "$@" || git commit --amend "$@"' -
> or something, perhaps?

Heh, not that but something like that ;-).

 * If we have pathspec, we would want to see if the HEAD and the
   working tree differ at the given paths;

 * Otherwise we would want to see if the HEAD and the index differ.

So it would be more like this, I guess.

        case "$#" in
        0)      git diff --quiet --cached ;;
        *)      git diff --quiet HEAD -- "$@" ;;
        esac || git commit --amend ${1+--} "$@"

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