Stefan Beller <> writes:

> In ref_transaction_commit
>       * commit the .lock file to its destination
>       * in case this is a deletion:
>               * remove the loose ref
>               * and repack the packed refs file if necessary

Don't you need to repack and then remove the loose one, though?
Otherwise you would expose a stale packed ref in the middle to the
other readers, no?

> The larger transactions would be handled differently by relying
> on the packed refs file:
> In ref_transaction_update:
>       * detect if we transition to a large transaction
>         (by having more than one entry in transaction->updates)
>         if so:
>               * Pack all currently existing refs into the packed
>                 refs file, commit the packed refs file and delete
>                 all loose refs. This will avoid (d/f) conflicts.
>               * Keep the packed-refs file locked and move the first
>                 transaction update into the packed-refs.lock file
>       * Any update(delete, create, update) is put into the locked
>         packed refs file.

I am not sure if you mean (a) keep updates only in-core, to be
flushed at the commit time, or (b) each and every update in the
large transaction results in rewriting the entire packed-refs.lock
file, only to be renamed to the final name at the commit time.
I am hoping it would be the former.

>       * Additionally we need to obtain the .lock for the loose refs
>         file to keep guarantees, though we should close the file
>         descriptor as we don't wand to run out of file descriptors.

Yes, this last point is important.

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