Torsten Bögershausen <> writes:

> This makes my think that it is
> a) non-standard to have the extra colon
> b) The error message could be better

For that, perhaps

-ssh: Could not resolve hostname xxxx:: nodename nor servname provided, or not 
+ssh: Could not resolve hostname "xxxx:": nodename nor servname provided, or 
not known

would be something we would want to do, no matter what other fixes
we would apply.

> Spontaneously I would say that a trailing ':' at the end of a
> hostname in the ssh:// scheme can be safely ignored, what do you
> think?

If it is not too much hassle to make the current code do so, I'd say
that is a good way forward.  Giving a warning that lets the user
know that the input has an extra and unwanted colon in it may be a
plus, too.


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