On 04/20/2015 02:49 PM, Charles Bailey wrote:
On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 02:27:44PM +0530, Karthik Nayak wrote:
> Sorry, but I didn't get you, broken objects created using hash-object 
--literally do not work with cat-file without the --literally option.

Perhaps an example would help:

I cannot create a bad tree without --literally:

$ echo total garbage | ./git hash-object -t tree --stdin -w
fatal: corrupt tree file
$ echo total garbage | ./git hash-object -t tree --stdin -w --literally

but I can use cat-file without --literally to query the contents and
information about the object as it stands.

$ ./git cat-file tree fa2905d47028d00baec739f6d73540bb2a75c6f7
total garbage
$ ./git cat-file -t fa2905d47028d00baec739f6d73540bb2a75c6f7
$ ./git cat-file -s fa2905d47028d00baec739f6d73540bb2a75c6f7

As far as I could tell - and please correct me if I've misunderstood,
cat-file's literally is about dealing with unrecognized types whereas
hash-object's --literally is about both creating objects with bad types
and invalid objects of "recognized" types. This latter scenario is where
the option name "literally" makes the most sense.
Yes. What you're saying is correct, but it also makes sense as we're asking
"cat-file" to give us information about the object irrespective of the type of 
object, hence asking it to literally print the information. Also it stays as a 
to "hash-object --literally", which is already existing.


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