On 04/22/2015 09:12 PM, Patrick Sharp wrote:

You’re correct, looking back over it, I was pretty vague.

In truth, we are not using Windows OR putty at all.  Running git on an Ubuntu 
system, but we are setting the GIT_SSH environment variable to point to a shell 
script to use.

Upon attempting to run git ls-remote, the system was spitting out getaddrinfo 
errors for ‘atch’ .

Setting GIT_TRACE=2 showed that -batch was being added to the git command.

This was seen on several different servers with git versions, 1.9.1 and 

After a bit we realized that it was the string ‘uplink’ in the GIT_SSH variable 
that was linked to the extra -batch flag.

Finally, after searching the git source, we narrowed it down to the ‘plink’ 
portion of the string.

Brian, I got your patch,
but can't see it in the list yet
 1/2 looks good, thanks.
(And add msygit)

My feeling is that  patch 2/2 may break things for an unknown
amount of users which e.g. use "myplink".

did you ever tell us, what you put into $GIT_SSH ?

Can your use case be covered by using $GIT_SSH_COMMAND ?

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