Hi Brian,

On 2015-04-23 02:06, brian m. carlson wrote:

> +                             tortoiseplink = tplink == ssh ||
> +                                     (tplink && is_dir_sep(tplink[-1]));

Maybe have a helper function here? Something like `basename_matches(const char 
*path, const char *basename, int ignore_case)`? That would be easier to read (I 
have to admit that I had to wrap my head around the logic to ensure that 
tplink[-1] is valid; It is, but it requires more brain cycles to verify than I 
would like).

Also, I am really hesitant to just test the start of the basename; I would 
rather have an entire basename match so that something  like "PLinKoeln" would 
not match. (And of course, for Windows I would want that hypothetical 
`basename_matches()` function to allow basenames to end in `.exe` 

In contrast to Torsten, I am not so concerned about `myplink` scripts: that 
only affects power users who can easily add the `-batch` into the script, where 
it actually belongs.

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