On November-01-15 11:57 PM dayong xie wrote:
>To be specific
>In my Unity project, there is a native plugin,  and plugin's extension is 
>.dll, >and this plugin is under git version control, when Unity is running, 
>the plugin >file will be locked.
>If i merge another branch, which contains modification of the plugin, git will 
>>report error, looks
>error: unable to unlink old 'xxxxxxx/xxx.dll' (Permission denied) This is not 
>>bad, however, the unfinished merge action will not revert by git, a lot of 
>>changes produced in repository.
>usually it makes me crazy, even worse, some of my partners are not good at 
>>using git.
>Of course, this problem can be avoided by quit Unity, but not every time we 
>can >remember. In my opinion, git should revert the unfinished action when the 
>error >occurred, not just stop.

What version of Unity (or Unity Pro) are you using? Is this experienced with 
the Commit in MonoDevelop/Visual Studio or are you using a separate git client? 

I have found similar issues in some versions of Unity and MonoDevelop or Visual 
Studio not saving all files, especially the project files until you have fully 
exited - nothing to do with git, but your git commits may not contain complete 
images of your change.

When I use git with Unity, I either have the source committed through 
MonoDevelop (no issues) if my changes are source-only, or if I have assets and 
project changes, then I do exit completely so that I am sure Unity flushes 
everything to disk and I can get a single atomic commit with all the Unity and 
C# bits using SourceTree or gitk.

OTOH I'm not sure you really should be storing build products out of 
MonoDevelop or Visual Studio in your git repository. If the DLL can be rebuild 
automatically on the client - usual answer is yes - then let it. Handle the 
release build separately - at least in a separate branch that does not involve 
having the Unity editor open to get in the way.

In my environment, I have added *.dll (and other stuff) to .gitignore so that I 
do not track dll changes - they get built on demand instead. There are 
recommended ways of using git in the Unity forums.


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