On 12/30/2015 10:52 AM, Duy Nguyen wrote:
What about not using command line options? We could go with something
like pathspec magic. I think as long as we provide three options:
literal, some pattern matching and backquote, then the user has enough
flexibility to specify any set of refs. For pattern matching I'd
prefer wildmatch. regex can be used via backquote, e.g. `for-each-ref
| grep ...` (or teach for-each-ref about regex to avoid grep).

I don't think that would solve my immediate problem, unless git for-each-ref knew how to produce output in the same order that git describe searches. But perhaps I misunderstand what you're suggesting with the backquote/subshell.

Mostyn Bramley-Moore
TV and Connected Devices
Opera Software ASA
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