Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy  <> writes:

> Multiple worktree setup is still evolving and its behavior may be
> changed in future. But we do not want to break existing worktree

s/be changed/change/

> setups. A new set of extensions, worktree=X, is recognized to tell Git
> what multiple worktree "version" is being used so that Git can
> behavior accordingly.


> +-------------------------------
> +Multiple worktree is still an experimental feature and evolving. Every
> +time the behavior is changed, the "worktree version" is stepped
> +up. Worktree version is stored as a configuration variable
> +extensions.worktree.

s/stepped up/incremented/

More seriously, are we confident that the overall worktree support
is mature enough by now that once we add an experimental feature X
at version 1, we can promise to keep maintaining it forever at
version N for any positive integer N?  I hate to sound overly
negative, but I am getting an impression that we are not quite
there, and it is still not ready for production use.

It would be beneficial both for us and our users if we can keep our
hand untied for at least several more releases to allow us try
various random experimental features, fully intending to drop any of
them if the ideas do not pan out.

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