On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 5:12 AM, Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> wrote:
>> +-------------------------------
>> +Multiple worktree is still an experimental feature and evolving. Every
>> +time the behavior is changed, the "worktree version" is stepped
>> +up. Worktree version is stored as a configuration variable
>> +extensions.worktree.
> s/stepped up/incremented/
> More seriously, are we confident that the overall worktree support
> is mature enough by now that once we add an experimental feature X
> at version 1, we can promise to keep maintaining it forever at
> version N for any positive integer N?  I hate to sound overly
> negative, but I am getting an impression that we are not quite
> there, and it is still not ready for production use.

I completely overlooked this config file issue in the first round, so
there's a good chance I will fail to realize it's still incomplete

> It would be beneficial both for us and our users if we can keep our
> hand untied for at least several more releases to allow us try
> various random experimental features, fully intending to drop any of
> them if the ideas do not pan out.

Yes it's best if we can somehow communicate with the users about that.
If a line or two in release announcement is good enough, great.
Otherwise maybe print a line every time the user executes "git
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