Stefan Beller <> writes:

> Sometimes the history of a submodule is not considered important by
> the projects upstream. To make it easier for downstream users, allow
> a field 'submodule.<name>.depth' in .gitmodules, which can be used
> to indicate the recommended depth.

I have a design-level question.

If your project consists of 600 submodules, among which 40 of them
you would recommend making a shallow clone, are there traits, other
than "most people would not care about its history", that are shared
across these 40 subprojects?

What I am trying to get at is that after adding .shallow annotation
to these 40 submodules in .gitmodules, the project may need to add a
different annotation for the same 40 submodules to control another
operation.  Which would be cumbersome, and a level of redirection
might be a good way to solve it.

IIRC, earlier you had talked about a vision where you can just say
'submodule init --group=framework' to prepare your top-level project
tree with its submodules in a state suitable to work on 'the
framework part of the project', and the 'app' folks can substitute
'framework' with 'app' in that command.  I thought the earlier
defaultGroup work (and the attribute limited pathspec work that lays
groundwork for it) was part of that effort.

Perhaps when a user says "submodule init --group=framework", that
"framework" can choose some "developer profile" that indirectly
specifies things like which group of submodules to initialize, which
group of submodules can be shallow, etc.?

Just a strawman (without worrying about details and expressiveness
of the syntax), I am wondering if you want something like this in
your .gitmodules:

    [profile "framework"]
        initialize = $submodule_spec
        shallow = $submodule_spec

    [submodule "kernel"]
        url = ...
        path = ...


where $submodule_spec would be a way to choose modules by various
means.  You may name them by their names.  You may name them by
their paths.  With the submodule-pathspec topic graduated, you may
use ":(attr:framework)*" to choose them by attribute limited

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