On 05/29/2016 08:05 PM, Matthieu Moy wrote:
Samuel GROOT <samuel.gr...@grenoble-inp.org> writes:

Should we take what Eric suggested (see below) as standard output?

Since the headers are already shown after those lines, it's
redundant to have the entire line.  And we could add
trailers after the headers (with a blank line to delimit):

    # existing header output:
    From: F <f...@example.com>
    Cc: A <aut...@example.com>, One <o...@example.com>
    Subject: foo

    # new trailer output
    Signed-off-by: SoB <s...@example.com>
    Acked-by: ack <a...@example.com>

I don't think adding the trailers in the output is needed. If the
message says

  Adding foo@example from Signed-off-by trailer

I can guess that it's from "Signed-off-by: foo@example" without having
it explicitly.

Perhaps others think differently, but for me, the shortest output would
be the better (if only to solve the "I never see these lines, they
scrolled out of my terminal" issue).

I agree, the shorter the better.

Ideally, I'd even like to shorten the current output a bit more (the
X-Mailer: header is useless IMHO, and the Date: and Message-id: headers
are probably not useful enough to be shown by default).


(Just thinking aloud, obviously none of this should be a prerequisite to
accept your refactoring patch)

And keep "(mbox) Adding ..." lines as error output, or maybe
displayable by a new option `--verbose`?

I think the "Adding ..." lines make sense by default at least for
beginners (just a few days ago, I received a bunch of test emails by
your team follow by a "Oops, I just noticed you got Cc-ed in my tests"
message ;-), that would probably have been worse without the message).
There could be an advice.* option to deactivate them, though.

An advice.* option seems a good solution to me.

The (mbox) prefix doesn't seem useful to me OTOH, I think it's a
leftover debugging message.

(mbox) prefix was introduced by Ryan Anderson in 2005 (can't find the exact commit though), in opposition with the (non-mbox) format ("lots of email") that was used before.

Is the "lots of email" format still used?

When adding Cc: from a Signed-off-by: field, (body) prefix is used.
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