I've been able to cut down on its size from 84 MB to 65 MB. Here is my yaml:

app: Geany
binpatch: true

    - geany
    - geany-plugins
    - python-gtk2
  dist:     trusty
    - deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty main universe
    - brentonhorne/geany2

  - cp ./usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/geany.svg .
  - rm -rf ./bin/
  - rm ./usr/bin/[ ./usr/bin/arch ./usr/bin/base64 ./usr/bin/basename 
./usr/bin/chcon ./usr/bin/cksum ./usr/bin/comm ./usr/bin/csplit 
./usr/bin/ctags-exuberant ./usr/bin/cut ./usr/bin/dh_python2 
./usr/bin/dircolors ./usr/bin/dirname ./usr/bin/du ./usr/bin/env 
./usr/bin/expand ./usr/bin/expr ./usr/bin/factor ./usr/bin/fmt ./usr/bin/fold 
./usr/bin/gcore ./usr/bin/groups ./usr/bin/head ./usr/bin/hostid ./usr/bin/id 
./usr/bin/install ./usr/bin/join ./usr/bin/lcf ./usr/bin/link ./usr/bin/logname 
./usr/bin/lspgpot ./usr/bin/md5sum* ./usr/bin/mkfifo ./usr/bin/nice 
./usr/bin/nl ./usr/bin/nohup ./usr/bin/nproc ./usr/bin/numfmt ./usr/bin/od 
./usr/bin/pathchk ./usr/bin/pinky ./usr/bin/pr ./usr/bin/precat 
./usr/bin/preunzip ./usr/bin/prezip* ./usr/bin/printenv ./usr/bin/printf 
./usr/bin/ptx ./usr/bin/runcon ./usr/bin/seq ./usr/bin/sha*sum ./usr/bin/shred 
./usr/bin/shuf ./usr/bin/sort ./usr/bin/split ./usr/bin/stat ./usr/bin/stdbuf 
./usr/bin/sum ./usr/bin/tac ./usr/bin/tail ./usr/bin/tee ./usr/bin/test 
./usr/bin/timeout ./usr/bin/touch ./usr/bin/tr ./usr/bin/truncate 
./usr/bin/tsort ./usr/bin/tty ./usr/bin/unexpand ./usr/bin/uniq 
./usr/bin/unlink ./usr/bin/users ./usr/bin/wc ./usr/bin/who* ./usr/bin/X11 
  - rm -rf ./usr/lib/python3.4 ./usr/share/doc ./usr/share/man 
  - rm -rf ./usr/share/aspell ./var/lib/aspell ./usr/lib/aspell 
./usr/bin/*aspell* ./usr/share/info ./usr/share/enchant ./usr/share/doc-base
  - rm -rf ./usr/share/gconf ./usr/share/bug ./usr/share/debhelper 
./usr/share/perl5 ./usr/share/dbus-1 ./usr/share/applications 
./usr/share/lintian ./usr/share/X11 ./usr/share/readline ./usr/share/sgml 
./usr/share/gnupg ./usr/lib/gnupg ./usr/bin/gpg*
  - rm -rf ./etc/gconf ./etc/python3.4 ./etc/X11
  - rm -rf ./usr/sbin ./usr/lib/sasl2 ./usr/lib/coreutils ./usr/lib/X11 
./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/enchant ./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gconf 
./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openssl-1.0.0 ./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/sasl2
  - rm ./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/*dbus* ./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/*enchant* 
./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgpgme* ./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgraphite* 
./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpython3.4* ./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/*sasl2* 
./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/*xslt* ./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/liblua5.1-c++.so.0 
  - rm ./usr/lib/*spell*
  - rm -rf ./var/lib/dictionaries-common ./var/lib/gconf
  - rm ./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libreadline*

I shared it because under the `script` section you can see what I have deleted 
from the AppImage. Every time I deleted something new I tested it out in a 
Debian 8 (with KDE Plasma 4) and Fedora 24 VM (with GNOME 3.20) that have the 
minimum amount of software installed (so as to make these tests fair) and found 
nothing to have gone awry. 

Can I delete OpenLDAP libs? I know very little about OpenLDAP but it seems to 
be crypto-related.

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