> shall I place the entries in say the 'Tools' menu?

Well thats a short menu so a good candidate, although plugins add stuff to it 
too.  Which raises the question, did you check that none of the plugins already 
does either of these?  Especially Add Ons which has become a bit of a catch all 

Also personally I can't see the purpose for the Open terminal if its just going 
to open the same as if its from the desktop.  Geany isn't trying to become a 
whole OS unlike Emacs ;-P

As for Glade, yeah, the 3.8.5 isn't relevant any more, this sort of change 
noise used to be a problem and 3.8.5 did fix it, thats why it was mentioned, 
but as to current versions, somebody else will have to advise, I havn't used 
Glade for years and am not sure what the minimum and maximum version is or if 
it has settings for a target file version.

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