George-Wu commented on a change in pull request #12331:

File path: sdks/python/apache_beam/io/gcp/
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""DICOM io connector
+This module implements serval tools to facilitate the interaction between
+a Google Cloud Healthcare DICOM store and a beam pipeline.
+For more details on DICOM store and API:
+DICOM io connector can be used to search metadata or store DICOM files.
+When used together with Google Pubsub message connector, a PTransform
+implemented in this module can be used to convert pubsub messages to search
+requests. Since Traceability is crucial for healthcare API users, every
+input or error message will be recorded in the output of the DICOM io
+connector. As a result, every PTransform in this module will return a
+Pcollection of dict that encodes results and detailed error messages.
+Search instance's metadata (QIDO request)
+DicomSearch() wraps the QIDO request client and supports 3 levels of search.
+Users should specify the level by setting the 'search_type' entry in the input
+dict. They can also refine the search by adding tags to filter the results 
+the 'params' entry. Here is a sample usage:
+  with Pipeline() as p:
+    input_dict = p | beam.Create([
+      {'project_id': 'abc123', 'type': 'instances',...},
+      {'project_id': 'dicom_go', 'type': 'series',...}
+    ])
+    results = input_dict| io.gcp.DicomSearch()
+    results | 'print successful search' >> beam.Map(
+        lambda x: print(x['result'] if x['success'] else None))
+    results | 'print failed search' >> beam.Map(
+        lambda x: print(x['result'] if not x['success'] else None))
+In the example above, successful qido search results and error messages for
+failed requests are printed. When used in real life, user can choose to filter
+those data and output them to wherever they want.
+Convert DICOM Pubsub message to Qido search request
+Healthcare API users might use Beam's Pubsub streaming pipeline to monitor the
+store operations (new DICOM file) in a DICOM storage. Pubsub message encodes
+DICOM a web store path as well as instance ids. If users are interested in
+getting new instance's metadata, they can use PubsubToQido() to convert the
+message into Qido Search dict then use DicomSearch(). Here is a sample usage:
+  pipeline_options = PipelineOptions()
+  pipeline_options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming = True
+  with beam.Pipeline(options=pipeline_options) as p:
+    pubsub = p |'a_dicom_store')
+    results = pubsub | PubsubToQido()
+    success = results | 'filter message' >> beam.Filter(lambda x: x['success'])
+    qido_dict = success | 'get qido request' >> beam.Map(lambda x: x['result'])
+    metadata = qido_dict | DicomSearch()
+In the example above, the pipeline is listening to a pubsub topic and waiting
+for messages from DICOM API. When a new DICOM file comes into the storage, the
+pipeline will receive a pubsub message, convert it to a Qido request dict and
+feed it to DicomSearch() PTransform. As a result, users can get the metadata 
+every new DICOM file. Note that not every pubsub message received is from DICOM
+API, so we to filter the results first.
+Store a DICOM file in a DICOM storage
+DicomStoreInstance() wraps store request API and users can use it to send a
+DICOM file to a DICOM store. It supports two types of input: 1.file data in
+byte[] 2.fileio object. Users should set the 'input_type' when initialzing
+this PTransform. Here are the examples:
+  with Pipeline() as p:
+    input_dict = {'project_id': 'abc123', 'type': 'instances',...}
+    path = "gcs://bucketname/something/a.dcm"
+    match = p | fileio.MatchFiles(path)
+    fileio_obj = match | fileio.ReadAll()
+    results = fileio_obj | DicomStoreInstance(input_dict, 'fileio')
+  with Pipeline() as p:
+    input_dict = {'project_id': 'abc123', 'type': 'instances',...}
+    f = open("abc.dcm", "rb")
+    dcm_file =
+    byte_file = p | 'create byte file' >> beam.Create([dcm_file])
+    results = byte_file | DicomStoreInstance(input_dict, 'bytes')
+The first example uses a PCollection of fileio objects as input.
+DicomStoreInstance will read DICOM files from the objects and send them
+to a DICOM storage.
+The second example uses a PCollection of byte[] as input. DicomStoreInstance
+will directly send those DICOM files to a DICOM storage.
+Users can also get the operation results in the output PCollection if they want
+to handle the failed store requests.
+# pytype: skip-file
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import apache_beam as beam
+from import DicomApiHttpClient
+from apache_beam.transforms import PTransform
+class DicomSearch(PTransform):
+  """A PTransform used for retrieving DICOM instance metadata from Google
+    Cloud DICOM store. It takes a Pcollection of dicts as input and return
+    a Pcollection of dict as results:
+    INPUT:
+    The input dict represents DICOM web path parameters, which has the 
+    string keys and values:
+    {
+      'project_id': str,
+      'region': str,
+      'dataset_id': str,
+      'dicom_store_id': str,
+      'search_type': str,
+      'params': dict(str,str) (Optional),
+    }
+    Key-value pairs:
+      project_id: Id of the project in which DICOM store locates. (Required)
+      region: Region where the DICOM store resides. (Required)
+      dataset_id: Id of the dataset where DICOM store belongs to. (Required)
+      dicom_store_id: Id of the dicom store. (Required)
+      search_type: Which type of search it is, could only be one of the three
+        values: 'instances', 'series', or 'studies'. (Required)
+      params: A dict of str:str pairs used to refine QIDO search. (Optional)
+        Supported tags in three categories:
+          1. Studies:
+            StudyInstanceUID
+            PatientName
+            PatientID
+            AccessionNumber
+            ReferringPhysicianName
+            StudyDate
+          2. Series: all study level search terms and
+            SeriesInstanceUID
+            Modality
+          3. Instances: all study/series level search terms and
+            SOPInstanceUID
+        e.g. {"StudyInstanceUID":"1","SeriesInstanceUID":"2"}
+    OUTPUT:
+    The output dict wraps results as well as error messages:
+    {
+      'result': a list of dicts in JSON style.
+      'success': boolean value telling whether the operation is successful.
+      'input': detail ids and dicomweb path for this retrieval.
+      'status': status code from the server, used as error message.
+    }
+  """
+  def __init__(self, credential=None):
+    """Initializes DicomSearch.
+    Args:
+      credential: # type: Google credential object, if it is specified, the
+        Http client will use it to create sessions instead of the default.
+    """
+    self.credential = credential
+  def expand(self, pcoll):
+    return pcoll | beam.ParDo(_QidoSource(self.credential))
+class _QidoSource(beam.DoFn):
+  """A DoFn for executing every qido query request."""
+  def __init__(self, credential=None):
+    self.credential = credential
+  def process(self, element):
+    # Check if all required keys present.
+    required_keys = [
+        'project_id', 'region', 'dataset_id', 'dicom_store_id', 'search_type'
+    ]
+    error_message = None
+    for key in required_keys:
+      if key not in element:
+        error_message = 'Must have %s in the dict.' % (key)
+        break
+    if not error_message:
+      project_id = element['project_id']
+      region = element['region']
+      dataset_id = element['dataset_id']
+      dicom_store_id = element['dicom_store_id']
+      search_type = element['search_type']
+      params = element['params'] if 'params' in element else None
+      # Call qido search http client
+      if element['search_type'] in ['instances', "studies", "series"]:
+        result, status_code = DicomApiHttpClient().qido_search(
+          project_id, region, dataset_id, dicom_store_id,
+          search_type, params, self.credential
+        )
+      else:
+        error_message = (
+            'Search type can only be "studies", '
+            '"instances" or "series"')
+      if not error_message:
+        out = {}
+        out['result'] = result
+        out['status'] = status_code
+        out['input'] = element
+        out['success'] = (status_code == 200)
+        return [out]
+    # Return this when the input dict dose not meet the requirements
+    out = {}
+    out['result'] = []
+    out['status'] = error_message
+    out['input'] = element
+    out['success'] = False
+    return [out]
+class PubsubToQido(PTransform):
+  """A PTransform for converting pubsub messages into search input dict.
+    Takes Pcollection of string as input and returns a Pcollection of dict as
+    results. Note that some pubsub messages may not be from DICOM API, which
+    will be recorded as failed conversions.
+    INPUT:
+    The input are normally strings from Pubsub topic:
+      "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION/datasets/DATASET_ID/
+      dicomStores/DICOM_STORE_ID/dicomWeb/studies/STUDY_UID/
+      series/SERIES_UID/instances/INSTANCE_UID"
+    OUTPUT:
+    The output dict encodes results as well as error messages:
+    {
+      'result': a dict representing instance level qido search request.
+      'success': boolean value telling whether the conversion is successful.
+      'input': input pubsub message string.
+    }
+  """
+  def __init__(self, credential=None):
+    """Initializes PubsubToQido.
+    Args:
+      credential: # type: Google credential object, if it is specified, the
+        Http client will use it instead of the default one.
+    """
+    self.credential = credential
+  def expand(self, pcoll):
+    return pcoll | beam.ParDo(_ConvertPubsubToQido())
+class _ConvertPubsubToQido(beam.DoFn):
+  """A DoFn for converting pubsub string to qido search parameters."""
+  def process(self, element):
+    # Some constants for DICOM pubsub message
+    INDEX_STUDY_ID = 10
+    INDEX_SERIE_ID = 12
+    entries = element.split('/')
+    # Output dict with error message, used when
+    # receiving invalid pubsub string.
+    error_dict = {}
+    error_dict['result'] = {}
+    error_dict['input'] = element
+    error_dict['success'] = False
+    if len(entries) != NUM_PUBSUB_STR_ENTRIES:
+      return [error_dict]
+    required_keys = [
+        'projects',
+        'locations',
+        'datasets',
+        'dicomStores',
+        'dicomWeb',
+        'studies',
+        'series',
+        'instances'
+    ]
+    # Check if the required keys present and
+    # the positions of those keys are correct
+    for i in range(NUM_DICOM_WEBPATH_PARAMETERS):
+      if required_keys[i] != entries[i * 2]:
+        return [error_dict]
+      if required_keys[i] != entries[i * 2 - 1]:
+        return [error_dict]
+    # Compose dicom webpath parameters for qido search
+    qido_dict = {}
+    qido_dict['project_id'] = entries[INDEX_PROJECT_ID]
+    qido_dict['region'] = entries[INDEX_REGION]
+    qido_dict['dataset_id'] = entries[INDEX_DATASET_ID]
+    qido_dict['dicom_store_id'] = entries[INDEX_DICOMSTORE_ID]
+    qido_dict['search_type'] = 'instances'
+    # Compose instance level params for qido search
+    params = {}
+    params['StudyInstanceUID'] = entries[INDEX_STUDY_ID]
+    params['SeriesInstanceUID'] = entries[INDEX_SERIE_ID]
+    params['SOPInstanceUID'] = entries[INDEX_INSTANCE_ID]
+    qido_dict['params'] = params
+    out = {}
+    out['result'] = qido_dict
+    out['input'] = element
+    out['success'] = True
+    return [out]
+class DicomStoreInstance(PTransform):
+  """A PTransform for storing instances to a DICOM store.
+    Takes Pcollection of byte[] as input and return a Pcollection of dict as
+    results. The inputs are normally DICOM file in bytes or str filename.
+    INPUT:
+      This PTransform supports two types of input:
+        1. Byte[]: representing dicom file.
+        2. Fileio object: stream file object.
+    OUTPUT:
+    The output dict encodes status as well as error messages:
+    {
+      'success': boolean value telling whether the store is successful
+      'input': undeliverable data. Exactly the same as the input,
+        only set if the operation is failed.
+      'status': status code from the server, used as error messages.
+    }
+  """
+  def __init__(self, destination_dict, input_type, credential=None):
+    """Initializes DicomStoreInstance.
+    Args:
+      destination_dict: # type: python dict, encodes DICOM endpoint 
+        {
+          'project_id': str,
+          'region': str,
+          'dataset_id': str,
+          'dicom_store_id': str,
+        }
+        Key-value pairs:
+          project_id: Id of the project in which DICOM store locates. 
+          region: Region where the DICOM store resides. (Required)
+          dataset_id: Id of the dataset where DICOM store belongs to. 
+          dicom_store_id: Id of the dicom store. (Required)
+      input_type: # type: string, could only be 'bytes' or 'fileio'
+      credential: # type: Google credential object, if it is specified, the
+        Http client will use it instead of the default one.
+    """
+    self.credential = credential
+    self.destination_dict = destination_dict
+    # input_type pre-check
+    if input_type not in ['bytes', 'fileio']:
+      raise ValueError("input_type could only be 'bytes' or 'fileio'")
+    self.input_type = input_type
+  def expand(self, pcoll):
+    return pcoll | beam.ParDo(
+        _StoreInstance(self.destination_dict, self.input_type, 
+class _StoreInstance(beam.DoFn):
+  """A DoFn read or fetch dicom files then push it to a dicom store."""
+  def __init__(self, destination_dict, input_type, credential=None):
+    self.credential = credential
+    # pre-check destination dict
+    required_keys = ['project_id', 'region', 'dataset_id', 'dicom_store_id']
+    for key in required_keys:
+      if key not in destination_dict:
+        raise ValueError('Must have %s in the dict.' % (key))
+    self.destination_dict = destination_dict
+    self.input_type = input_type
+  def process(self, element):
+    project_id = self.destination_dict['project_id']
+    region = self.destination_dict['region']
+    dataset_id = self.destination_dict['dataset_id']
+    dicom_store_id = self.destination_dict['dicom_store_id']
+    # Read the file based on different input. If the read fails ,return
+    # an error dict which records input and error messages.
+    dicom_file = None
+    try:
+      if self.input_type == 'fileio':
+        f =
+        dicom_file =
+      else:
+        dicom_file = element
+    except Exception as error_message:
+      error_out = {}
+      error_out['status'] = error_message
+      error_out['input'] = element
+      error_out['success'] = False
+      return [error_out]
+    # Feed the dicom file into store client
+    _, status_code = DicomApiHttpClient().dicomweb_store_instance(

Review comment:
       @pabloem Feature added

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