Hi Jay,

this looks amazing, and definitely something we (at our company) would be 
interested in.

Has there been any progress on releasing ScrumGui as either open source or 
a paid for version?


On Wednesday, August 20, 2014 10:27:13 PM UTC+2, Jayinthebay wrote:
> Hi Marcel, 
> We are using the GitLab API (with PHP + a local MySQL DB).  The GitLab API 
> is described here:
> https://github.com/gitlabhq/gitlabhq/tree/master/doc/api
> There's also a bit of hackery that involves using issue labels to maintain 
> the status and type of issue. This works for us, but in a larger 
> environment or one where you don't trust users not to mangle issue labels 
> (on the GitLab side) this could be a problem for you.  I'm sort of planning 
> to move this away from Gitlabs issue labels being a source of this status, 
> and instead having ScrumGUI be the source (E.g. if it were changed on 
> GitLab side, ScrumGUI would correct it again via the API)
> - Jay
> On Thursday, August 14, 2014 4:39:48 AM UTC-7, Marcel Steves wrote:
>> Hello Jayinthebay,
>> your project sounds very interesting and I think there will be a lot of 
>> people who like it, too.
>> But one question:
>> How do you implement it? As far as I know there is no plugin API provided 
>> by GitLab.
>> Cheers,
>> Marcel
>> Am Donnerstag, 7. August 2014 20:42:51 UTC+2 schrieb Jayinthebay:
>>> Greetings Gitlab Community, 
>>> Awhile back I was searching for a good scrum / kanban style interface 
>>> for Gitlab. 
>>> If you've done the same you probably encountered some of these threads...
>>> https://github.com/rauhryan/huboard/issues/190  [148 votes]
>>> http://feedback.gitlab.com/forums/176466-general/suggestions/3890905-use-huboard-as-project-management-tool
>>> [422 votes]
>>> http://feedback.gitlab.com/forums/176466-general/suggestions/3840944-kanban-planning-view-for-issues
>>> [169 votes]
>>> There seems to be a demand? I do appreciate Gitlab Team tried to 
>>> implement something with the "Milestone View", but to me this didn't really 
>>> satisfy what I was after. 
>>> So long story short, I made something myself. 
>>> Here's what it looks like:
>>> <https://camo.githubusercontent.com/0b7781d4ba465c5989876a8cdc3496dfc092ecf2/687474703a2f2f6f6936302e74696e797069632e636f6d2f7272687779672e6a7067>
>>> ScrumGUI for GitLab (Github Repo) 
>>> <https://github.com/Jayinthebay/scrumgui>
>>> The workflow is pretty slick I think. It basically goes something like 
>>> this for a typical issue/task:
>>>    - Add an issue -- store it in "Userstory/Backlog" column until 
>>>    you're ready to task it to someone
>>>    - Assign task to project team member, move it to "Todo"  (Within 
>>>    columns, tasks can be reordered for "prioritization")
>>>    - Team member picks up the task and moves it to "In Progress" column
>>>    - Team member then checks out branch for issue (e.g.  git checkout 
>>>    -b jg_issue#2)
>>>    - Team member then perform the work/code to meet criteria of the 
>>>    issue & pushes this feature/issue branch back to origin
>>>    - Team member drags issue from "In Progress" to "For Review" -- is 
>>>    prompted for which commit to link to the review (e.g. jg_issue#2)
>>>    - AWESOME PART:  The linked issue branch/commit is automatically 
>>>    submitted as a merge request to DEV branch.  
>>>    - If approved (via ScrumGUI) then the merge to DEV is approved 
>>>    - You can then merge DEV to MASTER manually at your leisure for 
>>>    release updates
>>> In the GitLab feed, it looks something like this for a single 
>>> issue/feature approval with merge:
>>> <http://s1.postimg.org/6dq4yvhzj/gitlabside.png>
>>> A lot of other little features here and there (e.g. integration with 
>>> GitLab issue comments and distinguishing between user comments and 
>>> git/gitlab process related noise, mapping of Gitlab roles for scrum roles, 
>>> etc.)
>>> It's at the point now where we are using it internally for our own 
>>> projects and it works well.  I'd would like to a burndown chart in it in 
>>> the future and align it more closely to scrum/agile methodology.
>>> Anyway, I have a little expense in this, and I was going back and forth 
>>> on HOW I should release it. While a nice true Scrum/Kanban style board for 
>>> GITLAB does seem to be unique, the concept is not. Many companies are 
>>> already in the space in general (e.g. Jira, Huboard, ScrumDo). So I think 
>>> I've decided to open source it and accept donations if anyone finds it 
>>> useful... I'd like to recoup some expenses. If I can make some 
>>> dinner/coffee money on top of that, that would be super. I'm sure you'll 
>>> buy me a pizza or something right? :)
>>> I'm not quite ready to push the code to GITHUB. 
>>> I don't have any experience releasing source or dealing with software 
>>> licenses, so if someone experienced in these areas who might benefit from 
>>> me releasing this would be kind enough to offer some tips/suggestions for 
>>> type of license I should use, that would be appreciated (and it will likely 
>>> expedite release/availability of this thing). 
>>> Take care,
>>> Jayinthebay (JG)

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