On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 9:48 AM, Benjamin Podszun <
benjamin.pods...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I cannot even write more than a helo world in ruby, but - if you want
> to trust someone that claims to be incompentent right away:


Your analysis of the code is either a tribute to Ruby's/Rails' degree of
readability or to your competence as a programmer.

> If this blows up your system I'm not to blame, but I'd just try to
> comment this single line in make_activation_code. I suspect that this
> leads to users being created without an activation code, which again
> should treat them as activated by default.

Actually, the first sign of something blowing up in the application should
be for any of the tests to fail after implementing a change in behaviour.
(The tests can be run using the command `rake test` - to prepare for this
you need to create an entry for the test RAILS_ENV in config/database.yml
and create a separate database for running the tests).

The UsersControllerTest (test/functional/users_controller_test.rb) has a
test/specification that reads as follows:

    should "requires the user to activate himself after posting valid data"
      assert_equal nil, User.authenticate('qu...@example.com', 'quire')
      assert !...@controller.send(:logged_in?), 'controller.send(:logged_in?)
should be false'

Enough theory...

For this to work both with local installs that do not require the activation
mails to be sent and on public sites where this is a requirement to prevent
spam accounts, on should probably introduce a setting that specifies whether
email confirmation should be required. An additional test case could verify
this behaviour:

    should "not require account confirmation if not specified in application
settings" do
      GitoriousConfig['skip_account_confirmation'] = true
      assert_not_nil User.authenticate('qu...@example.com', 'quire')
      assert @controller.send(:logged_in?), 'controller.send(:logged_in?)
should be true'

Still, for activation to be performed immediately, you could add a line in
app/controllers/users_controller.rb in the create method (after the line
that reads "@user.save!"):


This would be what they call a hack :-)

- Marius

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