Hi Christian,

> I don't know if you've seen the guide I wrote last fall, but it might shed
> some light on some of these things

Yes, I followed your excellent guide actually to set it up locally
myself, though I must confess I was in a temper by that point and did
not pay full attention to everything :D

Initially, I was following another guide somewhere (perhaps the one on
the main Gitorious site) and came across problems with gem versions,
probably because I was trying to use packaged gems instead where I
could find them (I hate going outside the package manager, hence the
reason I never installed REE or ActiveMQ either). This was on Karmic,
so without thinking much about it, I just moved over to my Lucid
laptop and started again there. So then I got the opposite problem:

RubyGem version error: rack(1.1.0 not ~> 1.0.1)

...which confused the hell out of me until I investigated what ~>
means. By this point I was just annoyed so I accepted that I would
have to use "gem install" (eventually I found the -v option) and by
that point I had also found your guide which explains everything much
better. Only I had already done most of the steps, so I didn't read it
in detail, which is unfortunate because I don't like following
"guides" that are just a list of terminal commands with no
explanation. But of course, like myself on that occasion, not
everybody has time for the details when you only want to try some
things out, which is why I'm quite keen to get the whole lot straight
in my own head finally and to package it all up!

So thanks for the guide and the info about REE...I'll be sure to check
paths in the scripts as you suggest.

On the point about ActiveMQ, I still think "recommends" is strong
enough. Just while developing something using Gitorious here locally,
it seems to create repositories and keys quickly enough directly via
stomp, and in my experience Debian people frown (and I have to agree)
on creating hard package dependencies that don't actually exist. It is
up to the sysadmin to configure the package manager to take
recommendations or not, and certainly the default configuration for
Ubuntu will install recommended dependencies without asking anyway. If
somebody is setting up Gitorious on a server for heavy production use,
I think there is a line past which you just say RTM if you want the
best performance.

Just thinking from my own perspective, I feel ActiveMQ is too heavy a
dependency to want to force needlessly; I would not be too impressed
if a package did that to me. Similarly for Apache, I think there is a
meta-package (httpd?) for "any webserver", though I don't know if all
can host ruby, so maybe a more refined list is needed. Certainly we'll
need some logic for the postinst to configure appropriately. I'm
hoping I'll find a well-packaged web app in the repos to copy from ;)

Now that I think about it, I'm not sure if having ruby-enterprise on
Recommends then would cause an error trying to find it or not...maybe
it can be dropped further to Suggests. I guess I need to think more
about the mechanics so that if ruby-enterprise is installed, it won't
pull in the stock ruby interpreter...which might be an issue if the
packaged gems depend on that...bleh, already it's getting messy! This
is why I want to find a Debian dev who knows about ruby packages :D
And also why I will try to deal with a minimal, stock setup first,
then add the enhancements.

PS: Hope nobody minds me spamming the list, thinking out loud. It's
just until I get properly started on it, then I can move more to
"documenting" in the Wiki or in the package notes. Hard to keep track
of everything otherwise. I'm trying to follow that Getting Things Done
strategy where you empty your head constantly and this thread is the
most convenient for now :D :S


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