On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 8:16 PM, Christian Johansen <chrisj...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Absolutely, this was a mistake on my end. I should've pointed out that
> Gitorious needs a queueing backend, not necessarily ActiveMQ (as far as
> I know anyway, Marius might want to correct me if I'm wrong). I agree
> on your philosophy that the package shouldn't be any heavier than
> necessary.

Ideally, I suppose both Ruby's stompserver and ActiveMQ would be marked as
"providing" the same functionality in deb terms. I imagine there are other
packages out there that provide the same... To complicate things further,
Gitorious will run with other MQ servers than Stomp too (
http://code.google.com/p/activemessaging/wiki/Configuration), this can be

> I think REE can safely be dropped to suggests. Gitorious runs fine with
>> other
> Rubies. My own setup uses 1.9.1 which works flawlessly, allthough I have
> heard
> of people meeting edge case encoding issues with 1.9.1. Once again, Marius
> might be able to chip in with more details on this.

Gitorious will run nicely with either Ruby 1.9.1 (or newer), Ruby 1.8.7 or
Ruby Enterprise. Ubuntu shipped with 1.9.0 for some time; which has never
been able to run Rails. The really nice thing that REE provides is the
Passenger Apache/Nginx module; my Karmic install has this
as libapache2-mod-passenger; which could maybe be a nice Suggests?

As for the various Ruby libraries required: one option is to bundle the gems
in vendor/gems - this is quite common in the Rails community.
If you run rake gems:unpack:dependencies, all the gems and their
dependencies (as specified in config/environment.rb) will be unpacked into

- Marius

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