
Asked on irc, but that's mostly idle..

I'm setting up a new server. After ~ 9 month (deployed a rogue gitorious
server on 01.01.2010 in this company) we're finally migrating to an official
host, using git as our main vcs in the future. First things first: You guys
rock for providing gitorious in the first place.

The problem: My requirement is this: http is only available from the
inside/domain network (to avoid sniffing code, blaa). https _is_ available
everywhere, BUT since gitorious makes everything public (and we don't want
that for (all) our code) we want to require authentication here.

I can set up apache just fine, I though. I have two vhosts, both serving the
same files. One, the http one, blocks everything that isn't from an internal
ip. The other one, the https one, required authentication for everything not
having an internal ip.

If I go to https://myserver/
- I get a password request (GOOD, I'm trying this from outside of the domain
- Wrong password -> No access (in other words: The configuration works..)
- Right password: I get a 302 redirect to http://myserver/

Wait. What? Why? I've no idea how that happens. Please, for the sake of my
mental health, tell me that gitorious thinks that it is a clever idea to
redirect based on - something?

Thanks in advance,
- clever ideas
- bad configuration my part
- the current moon phase

I'm really out of ideas now. I _highly_ doubt that the apache configuration
is to blame.

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