Dear Group;

I have installed gitorious, and managed to access web interface,
create projects and add SSH keys. However, when I attempt to push a
repo, I get the following error:

fatal: 'test11/test11.git': unable to chdir or not a git archive
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

I have done:
1) Exchange SSH keys, and made sure that permissions are right (700)
on these authorized_keys file
2) Made sure that gitorious and its daemons are running under git.
Here is ps u git output:
 3655 ?        S      0:00 /usr/bin/ruby /home/public_html/ -d
 3701 ?        Sl     0:08 poller
 3921 ?        S      0:00 searchd --config /opt/gitorious/gitorious/
3)Made sure that permissions are right and owned by git for various
gitorious files.

I have checked again, and again and agian, and keep getting the error.
I read previous messages and did not help me.

Any thoughts?


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