Marcus, thanks very much for getting back to me so fast.  Ok I did
what you suggested and i was able to login the activemq's admin
interface and it listed all the gitorious queues including
repo_create.  It says number of pending messages 0, number of
consumers 1, messages enqueed 6, messages dequeued 6.  This seems
right to me.  No pending messages.

So i created another repo and again its sitting there saying "please
be patient while we create this repo" and it never finishes.  After I
did that i showed 8 enqued and 8 dequeed (i guess 2 per create?)  but
the message_queue.log is still only showing the initial stuff i
already posted.  no errors were thrown in production.log when i tried
to create another repo.  I also tried creating it in a new project but
that didnt help.

I have looked through as many logs as i can find and cant find any
details of why.  could the fact that sendmail is installed but not
functioning properly be a problem?  I did activate my account, etc so
i was under the impression no email would be needed.  I would need to
setup a smarthost if i need to use sendmail but i doubt this matters.

Also i should mention, I was able to add a ssh key in the web
interface no problem, no errors, and the key is stored.  So would that
mean activemq is def. working but maybe poller is not?

poller says no messages, even though i ran poller run (not poller
start) or whatever one is non detaching.  But no logs are shown since
it started.

So close, i dont know!  thanks again !

On Mar 11, 9:04 am, Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
<> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 2:34 PM, bandroid x <> wrote:
> > ps aux | grep activemq shows this: (see the extra / before bin is that
> > a problem?) i am also using java se 1.6 on my system for building
> > android, not open-jdk is that a problem?
> When you create a new repository, a message is sent to the message queue; I
> think Gitorious will throw an error if it's unable to deliver that message
> (timeout exceeded or equivalent on the web page).
> To verify that activemq is running, you could try the admin web interface at
> http://<server ip>:8161/admin
> If you get this page, you could click the "Queues" link to view how many
> messages have been sent to the various queues.
> > /usr//bin/java -Xmx512M -
> > Dorg.apache.activemq.UseDedicatedTaskRunner=true -
> > -
> > -Dactivemq.classpath=/usr/local/apache-
> > activemq-5.4.2/conf; -Dactivemq.home=/usr/local/apache-activemq-5.4.2 -
> > Dactivemq.base=/usr/local/apache-activemq-5.4.2 -jar /usr/local/apache-
> > activemq-5.4.2/bin/run.jar start
> > but the message_processing.log looks ok:
> > # Logfile created on Thu Mar 10 10:44:24 -0500 2011=> Subscribing to /
> > queue/GitoriousMergeRequestVersionDeletion (processed by
> > MergeRequestVersionProcessor)
> > => Subscribing to /queue/GitoriousRepositoryArchiving (processed by
> > RepositoryArchivingProcessor)
> > => Subscribing to /queue/GitoriousRepositoryCreation (processed by
> > RepositoryCreationProcessor)
> > => Subscribing to /queue/GitoriousSshKeys (processed by
> > SshKeyProcessor)
> > => Subscribing to /queue/GitoriousEmailNotifications (processed by
> > MessageForwardingProcessor)
> > => Subscribing to /queue/GitoriousPostReceiveWebHook (processed by
> > WebHookProcessor)
> > => Subscribing to /queue/GitoriousRepositoryDeletion (processed by
> > RepositoryDeletionProcessor)
> > => Subscribing to /queue/GitoriousMergeRequestBackend (processed by
> > MergeRequestGitBackendProcessor)
> > => Subscribing to /queue/GitoriousMergeRequestCreation (processed by
> > MergeRequestProcessor)
> > => Subscribing to /queue/GitoriousPush (processed by PushProcessor)
> > shouldnt it be showing something here when a repo is created?  I
> > assume this is my problem but it appears to be ok.
> At least a message should be delivered to ActiveMQ - there should be no
> pending messages in the ActiveMQ admin interface. If there are, this means
> your poller script hasn't picked it up.
> > I tried to push to the repo for the hell of it and get this error in
> > git-daemon.log
> > 011-03-10 11:05:06 [26974] Listening on
> > 2011-03-10 14:28:20 [26974] Connection from for "/
> > test_project/mainline.git"
> > 2011-03-10 14:28:24 [26974] wants "/var/git/repositories/
> > test_project/mainline.git" => "/var/git/repositories/c0c/9ff/
> > c5117461851f2f3eccadebc8cca5269a42.git"
> > 2011-03-10 14:28:24 [26974] Invalid path: /var/git/repositories/c0c/
> > 9ff/c5117461851f2f3eccadebc8cca5269a42.git
> The git-daemon.log file only logs messages for the git:// protocol, which is
> read-only. But the error message you're getting indicates the repository has
> not been created on disk.
> I'd recommend you try creating another repository while all services are
> running; you should get no error message in the web interface while doing
> so. After having done that, check message_processing.log and the ActiveMQ
> admin interface to see if a new message has been delivered and consumed.
> Cheers,
> - Marius

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