On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 4:51 PM, Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas <rr.ro...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> **
> Em 31-08-2011 11:15, Marius Mårnes Mathiesen escreveu:
> - Is it necessary to kill with the KILL signal when stopping the Rots
> server (slow_tests.rake line 15)?
> That wasn't my first trial. I tried "HUP" first, but I was getting an
> exception so I gave up and used KILL instead. If you could make it work with
> HUP, great.

 Ah, okay. I would think INT would be a better suited signal; that's what
Ctrl-C sends, afaik.HUP is often used to ask a process to reload it's

>  - Since we already have a rake/ruby process running, could we use a Rake
> task for running the tests (test:slow:run)?
> I think it should be possible to do something like:
>    Rake::TestTask.new("slow_tests") do |test|
>     test.pattern = "test/slow/*.rb"
>   end
>    task :run => [:start, :slow_tests] do
>     stop
>   end
>  ?
> Sorry, I'm not that good in Rake. Could you explains in details what you're
> willing to achieve? I still didn't understand what you are asking for (or
> suggesting)...

Rake includes tasks for running test files directly, without shelling out to
Ruby manually (the Rake::TestTask class). Absolutely no biggie, just less

>  These are personal opinions only, feel free to ignore them :-)
> I love personal opinions! :) I never ignore them :)

In that case, let's discuss football :-)

> Also, I'd like to take the chance to better understand what you would like
> me to work on from now on. Is there any other gem not supported by Rails
> 3.1?
> I want to make sure we don't have any other dependency before start porting
> Gitorious to Rails 3.1...

Did we discuss the routing issues in Gitorious at all on the list? Whether
to keep the somewhat complex routing logic we have...
- M

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