Greetings from and Pakistan!

Appended is an introductory document about "Consumer Information and
Empowerment Programme" of Consumer Rights Commission of Pakistan
(CRCP) and I hope, it gives you an overview of the initiative,
rationale, and deliverable. is providing technical support while
CRCP would be providing content for this initiative. We eagerly look
forward to your participation, insight, and guidance for this programme.

Looking forward to hearing from you. - Zubair.

--- Consumer Information and Empowerment Programme -----



The goal of CIEP is to harness the potential of information technology (IT)
for protecting and enhancing consumer rights. To this end, it seeks to
bridge information gaps, undertake policy advocacy, support capacity
building and empowerment, and help establish networks of consumer


In Pakistan, consumer protection is a neglected area. Although some relevant
provisions do exist on the statute books, the sale of harmful products,
false advertising, adulteration, malpractice, and inadequate after-sales
service is widespread. A major reason is the weakness of the system of
governance, because of which neither have existing laws been implemented
effectively nor the needed legal reform measures introduced.

An alternative source of consumer protection, the emergence of ethically
responsible business practices is also inadequately developed in Pakistan.
There is little willingness or capacity in the private sector for voluntary
measures or codes of conduct. The main channels through which businesses get
an incentive to move in this direction are consumer pressure or visionary
leadership. While the emergence of visionary leaders by definition cannot be
predicted, it is quite possible to predict the manner in which consumer
pressure can emerge, namely through organizations and networks that organize
consumer boycotts, construct ethical investment portfolios, and engage in
other activities that help apply pressure or ensure proper monitoring.

In Pakistan, a number of organizations have taken the lead in organizing
this process. Foremost amongst these are the Consumer Rights Commission of
Pakistan (CRCP), the Network, and the Sustainable Development Policy
Institute (SDPI). Between them, they have published information on consumer
rights and consumer concerns, identified cases of malfeasance, undertaken
public interest litigation, and formulated and advocated policy and
legislative options.

Compared to the magnitude of the problem, however, these efforts are far
from adequate or significant. The problem is likely to become more acute
with globalization and the consequent expansion of markets as well as the
erosion of the ability of governments to regulate economic activity. The
level of awareness and support for efforts to protect consumer rights will
play a central role in determining the character of the emerging market

This project focuses on one aspect of the need, namely the harnessing of
information technology to enable consumer organizations to become more
effective in their work through information sharing, development of a
consumer protection network, cataloguing and dissemination of information on
consumer rights, and gathering and organization of information about
products, services, and vendors.


Beneficiaries of the proposed project will include consumer groups, relevant
government agencies, journalists, researchers, college/ university students,
lawyers, judges, active citizens, and participants of training programs
organized for or by various consumer groups.

CD, in addition to the Internet, will particularly be helpful in terms of
increasing the reach-out of consumer groups to the marginalized communities
in the country. As the project envisages a CD and the portal is bilingual
comprising Urdu (local/national language) and English, it is expected that a
greater number of citizens will have the opportunity to benefit from it.


The deliverables are related to the web site, but besides the web portal
itself, they have been conceptualized in the form of stand-alone modules:

1.      Web portal
2.      Training module (materials on CD-ROM as well as the web).
3.      Know Your Rights module
4.      News And Events module
5.      Brand Name Information module (contains research studies as well)
6.      Public Interest Litigation module (contains actual and proposed laws on
consumer protection)
7.      Black List module
8.      Institutional Links

Each module will be an evolving one. The aim is to construct the platform
that can enable future information to be added seamlessly.

The web site will be essentially a user-friendly search engine in both
English and Urdu. It will cover the following broad headings: Know Your
Rights, Training Modules, News and Events, Public Interest Litigation, Black
List, Brand Name Information (search engine), Institutional Links, search,
and contact.

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