Dear GKD members,

I thought you would be interested in one of Greenstar's latest
activities, which will launch its first African investment August 4,
2001, in the Ashanti village of Patriensah, Ghana. The occasion will
also be a festival of culture and new beginnings so all are invited.

Greenstar <> will be partnering
with GhaCLAD (Ghana Computer Literacy and Distance learning)
<> and the Asante Akim Multipurpose Community
Telecenter Committee in a commitment of infrastructural investment. For
the community's use in education -- especially in information technology
-- health, food security, business, communications and much more,
Greenstar will install a solar-energy array, computer equipment and
peripherals, and a wireless Internet connection, as well as further
equipment for program use. Other partnering organizations and
individuals are welcome to join this effort.

At the launch festival in this village near Kumasi, Greenstar will begin
the work of creating "digital culture" products by generating digital
formats of the community's art, literature, music and more. Greenstar
will then market these products in the U.S., Europe and elsewhere,
sharing the proceeds with the people of Patriensah.

The partners have been developing a relationship with Greenstar for more
than a year prior to this launch. When Greenstar's founders learned of
Patriensah's vision for an IT-based future for the small village, they
realized this community had the desire and energy to be a great partner.
After extensive research, Greenstar had already decided Ghana was an
excellent place to begin its African expansions.

Greenstar has been making similar investments worldwide for the last
three years and will develop a total of 300 village partnerships
globally over the next five years in about 60 countries.

On behalf of the community, Greenstar would like to invite all
interested people and organizations as both spectators and as potential
partners. Please respond to the below to express your desire to attend. 
Also, please share this notice widely.

Thank you,
Paul Swider
V 301.776.9979
C 301.793.8329
F 208.248.1869

***GKD is an initiative of the Global Knowledge Partnership***
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